On May 24th the children of Year 3 and Year 4 went to Trieste to visit the Natural History Museum, in the morning, and the Immaginario Scientifico, in the afternoon.

At the museum both classes participated in a paleontology workshop, in which plaster casts were used to reconstruct the shape of ancient fossils, which allowed them to understand how fossils are formed and how their study can give us information about our planet’s past. The students had also the opportunity to visit the paleontology section of the museum, to discover the different ways in which living beings have left traces and how these traces came down to us.

The group then moved to the Immaginario Scientifico, where Year 3 became familiar with chemistry and some of its basic concepts, while Year 4 carried out some practical activities to explore the differences between animal and plant cells.

It was a very busy day, full of interesting activities for our little paleontologists and chemists!